Family law is a sensitive area of practice and must be properly handled inside and outside of the courtroom. If your family is contemplating or going through a divorce, you need a family law attorney to help you navigate the delicate process and ensure your children are properly cared for and protected along the way. If you are recently divorced and are in need of establishing alimony or property settlements, or need to make modification to child custody and child support, our experienced team of family law attorneys will walk you through every step of the process. Our attorneys also assist with the contractual requirements for adoptions.

Vaughn Sundeen provide family law representation in the following areas:

  • Divorce – divorce laws vary by state and depending on assets and family life, there can be many aspects involved in the legal process.
  • Alimony – also known as spousal support, alimony is when a spouse is ordered by court to pay the other spouse a decided amount each month to help maintain a certain lifestyle and prevent any unfair economic decisions as a result of the divorce.
  • Child Custody and Modifications – during a divorce, parents will be forced with the difficult decision of child custody. Parents can work out arrangements themselves outside of court, but often a legal process is required.
  • Child Support and Modifications – if child support has been previously setup but situations have changed a spouse can seek a modification to the financial arrangements of the original decision.
  • Property Settlements and Division – during a divorce there are many issues to resolve, including the proper division or distribution of any property or assets that was formerly owned together.
  • Adoptions – if you or your spouse is preparing to adopt a child, there are lots of legal proceedings involved in the process, especially if you are adopting overseas.
  • Wills, Probate, & Estate Matters – ensuring your health wishes and property are protected and properly distributed is an important step in ensuring the future of your family. At Vaughn Sundeen, we are experienced in all aspects of wills and estates including:
    • Preparation of Wills, Advance Health Care Directives, and Powers of Attorney
    • Guardian and Conservatorships
      • A Guardian/ Conservator is a legal relationship wherein a court appoints a person (Guardian/Conservator or both) to make certain decisions for another person (the ward)
      • Guardian – makes decisions concerning the “person” of the ward
      • Conservator – manages and makes decisions concerning the income and property of the Ward
    • Estate Administration
    • Planning for Minor Children

If you are preparing for divorce or are seeking alimony or child support, contact a family law attorney today. Visit the Contact Page of Vaughn Sundeen for a consultation.